
Wednesday 23 March 2011


FRUST??? YEAH ... a little bit frust..  in deep of my heart....menipu la tu aida ko x frust meraung cam org giler dlm kete td ape? hahahaha
today i wanna cry.... please let me cry... just only today....
why i should crying???
why ?
coz i didn't get my target??... ish aida....dont say like that.. maybe kali ni bkn rezeki. ak... 
xpe la ak redha.. maybe ni yg terbaek wat ak an...

sblom ni.. ak plg tkowt sej n physic... ak rse mmg xble wat gler wk2 exam uhh.. abes je paper... physic n sej.. call mama.. meraung2 cam dak kecik..." ma, i can"t answer that paper... huwaaa..."
  sej   A-  ( SKE GLER AK)

 ADMATHH  b+...( actually x disgke) hehe
  fizik  b+( asl x A.. trial pown A)

WHY so much  B+ ni??? sikit lagi A.. wahh cedey betol... TP Alhmdulillah la kene syukur dgn pe yg kite dpt ann..
seriously i'am jelez kat ACAP.. satu2nye pelajar melayu dpt STRAIGHT A+
mmg giler la dak ni./. otak dye uhh otak pe?? 
(TO 28 KWN2 AK yg straight uhh.. CONGRATES... DPT overseas jgn lupe inform... cayalah korg)

time they announced student's name that got straight A.. i feel wanna cry.."MY NAME NOT IN DA LIST" Hukhukhuk
tp x pe la xde rezeki.... huwaaaaaaaaaaa... AIDA wake up.. remember ur moto "gagal skunk x bermkne gagal selamenye..."
so ikut moto ak la.. nk nanges.. nanges ary ni sepuas2nye..(cewah.. mcm gagal jew gye ak ni) lps ni jgn nanges..apa arr x macho tau .. eh x manis la sengal.... haha
nseb bek ko amek science stream...AT LEAST markah ADD MATH, PHYSIC, chemistry ko..
insyaallah mampu membawa ko ke saingan hebat la.. mampu ke ak?? insyaallah... ALHAMDULILLAH SYUKUR... dOA je la dpt ..amin..
Tp hope sgt dpat MATRIKS.. ble la ak struggle NK dpt kan DENTISTRY.. x pown cam 
abg angkt ak.. ABG IJAT.. bkal doktor uhh...JGN MaeN2 .....semuanye bermula di matriks....

THNKS to MAMA, abah, mama zai , kak nad coz always support me  yg setengah mati CRYING X HENTI UHH HAHA...(ish wat malu jerk ak ni :) )

walaupown dream ak nk dpt biasiswa JPA or MARA for overseas.. x kesampaian.. tp x pe la ak redha xde rezeki untuk ak( maybe) cam senior2 ak kat Sbp uhh... 

Maybe allah dah tersurat kan yg terbek tuk ak DI masa hadapan... maybe adew hikmahnye klu ak x dpt belaja overseas pown... xpe ak x kesah.. ak redha akn segala suratannye... maybe ade yg lebih bek yg ditakdirkan tuk ak... insyaallah amin.....  :) so AJA2 HWAITING AIDA!!!!

to ar razians yana, mirawr, qish, aty, sasa, aten, echa, anis, ika j , chepa, syamim , zeny, mat pet, tai, joe, cimam, farid, raden,asyiq, pojan,.. insyaallah klu adew rezeki kte jmpe d ipta yg smew...
seronok dpt kenal korg although.. just only 2 years... but so many sweet memories i spent with u all...LUV U ALL SO MUCH...
take care.. n dont forget me k..   


  1. aida.. sabar ye yunk... tamow mcm ni..
    setiap perkara yg berlaku.. ALLAH da susun cantek cantek... :) percayaaalaaaaaaaa.. hanya ALLAH yang taw tebaik pasal diri kita

  2. hehe.. xde terok pown result kak didi.. ble la than.. o.k jerk.. hehe. frust x straight or trget 10 je hehe.. tp x pe.. alhmdulilllah dgn pe yg dpt hahaha
