
Sunday 6 November 2011

FInally i have done it ;'(

o.k finally.. i finish my paper... :)
feeling : of course la happy (^_^)
cnclusion ?? : susah la beb!!! STUCK dlm exam.. :(

u think wht i feel now?????
arhhhh i feel TERRIBLE .... i need a shoulder to cry... :(... lagi2 biler tgk kwn2 yg dekat UITM...result2 sume gempak..... :( (o..k i happy for hear that... tp matriks laen uitm len...

sometimes when i feel stressed..i wanna screaming... crying in there.. but i can't... arhhhh!!
nobody understand me n know me well... ;'( .. .. in deep of my heart.. hye allah je tau... AK HYE INSAN YG LEMAH :( o.k settle.!!

knpe ak harus diduga camni????? o/k fine maybe ak xde rezeki kowt lagi..... frustrated for da second time....dont give up aida... allah still luv u.. :)

ble ke ak dapt pointer yg baek cam kwn2 len?????? kdg2 ak rse letih... penat ak berhempas pulas macam nk rak!! result?? frust giler ... tp ak tetapkan hati.. kuatkan semangt...insyaallah.. maybe time tu xde rezeki lagi.itu citer time skola2 dulu....(noktah)

so kali ni PSPM ni.. mcm mne? bole ke ak gembira macm kwn len?
.ak x nk ke PDT.... wei!! :(
ya allah ko kuatkan lah semangat ak...brilah peluang ak mencapai kejayaan.. ak nk sgt kejayaan itu nnti jadi hadiah buat parents ak.. YA allah ko bantu la ak... :'(

o.k now time to sleep..!!

*thnks for read myfeeling expression.. :)

1 comment:

  1. relex la aida.. Result x kuar g.. boleh pnya... aku tau.. boleh2
